Sunday, December 1, 2013

Fatty Fatty 2 by 4 you're too FAT to be normal!

Really? I am so tired of people thinking that just because I am fat that I must be lazy. I am too fat to be a good mom, babysitter, and even a human being! Why must others judge "out loud" (Facebook, email, text) like I don't even have feelings.

I was in the 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade when we lived in Chicago and I wanted my own paper route. My mom had to sign a special paper so I would be allowed to do this(youngest kid ever). I went in ice, snow, and hot summers too. At 14 I got a job at the BBQ restaurant just up the street from where we lived so I could walk to and from work. Then at 16 when I could drive I got a job at a pizza place further away because it paid more. I have always had a job and I have always worked hard and tried to do my very best.

So for someone to say to me that I can't be hungry or poor because I am fat really upsets me. I worked until I had a high risk pregnancy and I worked most of that time. Then spent over a month in the hospital. This was not planned. We have been told for years we would not be able to have children. We were given a miracle and I would never ever change that.  So when you start to insult people without knowing the facts based on me being fat maybe you should 1st stop and say I wonder how Heavenly Father sees that person. Maybe they have been ill, maybe that have a eating disorder, maybe they are poor and are living off Ramen Noodles which are very high in fat.

This holiday season and everyday after we all should look at each other differently. Yes it was hard to find a job after having Anna. Do I wish I never had her, NEVER! She has been the best thing ever. Do I wish we could live without food stamps? Yes, but right now that is how we are eating. Will this last forever, no. This is not my long term goal. But for anyone to say I am on food stamps because I am fat and lazy well they just don't know me. It is hard to find a job right after having a baby and then also having a husband who has Aspergers which is a form of Autism who sometimes has panic attacks and gets afraid when he is alone. We are doing what we can. I applied to over 200 jobs. I was told more than once I was too fat to be a good nanny. I am working now, but it is no where enough to cover our modest bills. Yes, I do have an iPhone but it is old and my last job paid half of it for me after their child put my old phone in the toilet. We don't even have phone service on it.

Things are not always what they seem.

Let's ALL work on seeing others differently.


  1. I'm so glad you say what you say, Jeannie, and you are not afraid to do it. You are always strong through trials and you are an inspiration to me. I know you will always be successful in whatever you choose or whatever comes, because you have what's most important-you know who you are, who you really are. You are beautiful and you shine inside and out. Don't let anyone tell you differently!

  2. people SHOULD be less judgmental. you are right. but sadly, there will always be critics. just know in your heart, you are a good person. you are a hard worker. you are a good mom and wife. i would trust you with my kids any day. really. you are intelligent and a spiritual leader. you are strong and beautiful and i am happy to call you a friend. :)
