Last week while walking at the YMCA there was this guy who started just after me came whirling by me over and over again. I am sure he passed me at least 3 times each lap I made. Then another guy started and he was running so fast it made my head spin and I started to get dizzy, no joke. I kept feeling like I was in their way, each time they went by. I wonder why I think things like that sometimes? Later that day the 1st guy saw me by the steps and he shared some words of encouragement for me! WOW he did not even know me but my thought were totally upside down from what he truly thought running past me. I was not in his way at all. He was proud of me for trying and being brave enough to get out there and try to change. I was inspiring him to do better. Amazing!
This past weekend we had a chance to go away to Callaway Gardens and this was the 1st time we packed our bikes and we really did go on a bike ride for about 20 minutes. We did lots of walking and even went swimming in the freezing pool.
We decided to take the long way home and stop and visit a few places along the way. We also decided to give ourselves one day off after 17/18 weeks at Weight Watchers to eat what we wanted and not track our points. We talked about how this was just one day and we would get right back on track the next day! It was such a wonderful trip back to Atlanta. We saw one of the oldest covered bridges in GA. We visited Phillip's mom's grave site, and stopped in Warm Springs, GA. I ate a cheese burger, fried chicken, cheese grits, extra cheese pizza and eclair pie.(not all at one time) I gained 5 pounds when I weighed this morning. So eating very light and exercising more than normal before I weigh in at Weight Watchers Thursday am. I thought all those foods I had been craving and feeling sad and deprived were really not so great, but the eclair pie was heavenly. Mind you, I did not have more than 1 serving on any one food item:) That move in its self was pretty marvelous being that I used ta could eat 3 times that amount. It was very easy to get right back on track when I got home.
I have never had crepes before so today my friend Annie showed me how and she was sweet enough to use a Weight Watchers recipe. They tasted wonderful. I may try to make them next week all on my own. I hope they turn out as yummy as hers.
One last note, I am so tired of Great Clips right now and all their $7.99 hair cuts signs:/ Wonder how long my hair will be when I hit 100 pounds lost!!!!
I'm so proud of you! I love the story about the guy at the Y who gave you words of encouragement! You never know the wonderful things people are thinking about you and for you! So many good wishes and congrats on this wonderful and hard journey! You are brave and determined :)