Monday, January 23, 2012

My bike!

Ok so with a weight loss of ZERO this past week it took a lot not to just give up! The last two weigh ins have really sucked. First it was a gain of half a pound then nothing. I am keeping track of my Weight Watchers points and exercising more than I have in a very long time. This Thursday will be my 15th week going to Weight Watchers! I was in tears during the morning meeting and all I could think about was “why is this happening”. So I had to go the night meeting so I could understand the lesson for this week. I began to think back of all the other times I had tried to lose weight. It seems that when I get to this point it is like my body starts to freak out and start holding on to everything I eat. So many times before I would just stop and then gain back what I lost plus a few more pounds. So I am not going to stop. My group leader said I should try to lower my points by 3 this week and see what happens.

I have been looking for a bicycle that I could fit on and ride safely and cost less than 700 bucks. I found one Friday!!!!!!!! It is basic black and not very pretty but I felt safe on it and the guy at the store was very sweet. It still was pretty expensive and we will be eating from our food storage this week but it was so worth it. I was starting to get bored at the gym and needed this for my sanity. We then got Phil’s bike out of storage. So we rode a little on Sat. and rode a little further today. I remember as a child riding my bike for hours and loving it!!! I love my bike now it even has a basket! Where are we storing our bikes? Right on the porch so we see them every day! Not in the basement. I am sure I will be able to ride a little further tomorrow and then back to the gym on Wednesday for boot camp.


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    1. Riding my bike helped me lose weight too. I really wanted to be able to ride my bike to work, but there was no way I'd be able to just dive right in to my commute. It's just too long. So what I did, I got a folding bike. I still drove to work, but about a mile away, I'd park, and ride the last mile. I rode a mile at the end of the day too. I've been gradually increasing my riding distance as I feel I can, and it's working pretty well for me so far. I like the way the bike rides (I even put a basket on mine too), and it has a pretty high weight limit, which was important.
